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Oregon white truffles - The most versatile among all types of truffles, Oregon whites are perfect for a wide range of foods. These include white meats, risotto, pasta, eggs, beef, pork, cheese, red wine, wild mushrooms, soup, and the list goes on. In addition, they are the only truffles that can be mixed with tomatoes. Although it is better that truffles are consumed shortly after you purchase them, you can store them for a short time, like three to five days. Wash the truffles thoroughly with clean water. Be sure they are clean because you will use them unpeeled. Brush truffles with soft brush to eliminate soil deposits and then cover each truffle with dry paper towel to seal their natural flavor. It is interesting to note, though, that such a power in fact has no scientific basis. There is no solid evidence yet that proves the claim that truffles have the ability to stimulate sexual drive in humans, let alone animals. Despite that lack of proof of the truffles mystical power, their smell makes you want to inhale it over and over. The Culinary Wonder Called Truffle Mushroom Have you ever heard about truffles? No, we re not talking about a type of chocolate here, but rather a rare and precious mushroom that grows in the wild. This mushroom variety is edible, though. If you re fond of mushroom-filled dishes, you may have seen truffle mushroom quite a number of times on the restaurant menu. People mistakenly consider the French black truffle the best of all black truffles, though actually no truffle from a particular country is better than the others. The most sought-after truffle type, the winter black truffle is loved for its mild earthy aroma and flavor that resembles a mixture of earth and chocolate. One of these reasons is you are eating truffles because these may bring you health benefits. Through the years, contentions have been hounding the health benefits and nutritional value of truffles and mushrooms, in general. People say that edible mushrooms such as truffles have no nutritional value at all and these are used just to add flavor to a variety of staple dishes.
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