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Salamat Dok: Vilma Sega on Acai Berry

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There are multiple ways on which one can ingest or add acai berry to their diet. It can either be taken as a juice, or in pill forms as a supplement. It s easy to dispel all these as health supplement nonsense. But many of the nutrients found in the acai berry will say otherwise. Many of these nutrients have long been known to benefit the body and because its found in the acai berry, then it should be effective. On the contrary, Acai berries have been around for centuries, its just that its medicinal benefits have been limited to the place where it naturally grows, in South America, it is only now that rest of the world have been benefited with its medicinal capabilities. Growing wildly in the South American jungle, the Acai berry can be found atop palm trees and with the support of the government have been produced in the millions to face the overwhelming demand for their medicinal qualities. The Acai berry is one of the healthiest foods that can be found in this planet. Now with that said, there is one problem though that you may encounter. No there are no side effects, but its availability in its fruit form may be very slim. Since they are very perishable and cannot be grown locally, as they are only found in the South American jungle, your local fruit shop or grocery is more than likely not to have them in stock. This is why acai berries were really not feasible for exporting. However, thanks to technology, such as flash freezing and pasteurizing, people are now able to preserve the vitamins and nutrients found in acai berry in the form of supplements. Nowadays, acai berry supplements can now be found in health food stores all over the world and is very popular among a lot of people seeking better health. So, what is it exactly about this fruit that it caught the attention of the entire modern world? Well, for starters, you have to remember that the acai berry was already being consumed by the natives in South America for centuries because of its medicinal properties. The western world is just discovering its benefits because the acai berry fruit easily loses its potency once it is harvested, which made it unsuitable for exporting. But before we go into that, it is best that we first discover what exactly is in the acai berry that has made it into one of the world s most beneficial food. Acai berries contain: Amino Acids- various types of amino acids can be found in the acai berry, all of them helps in developing your muscles allowing it to easily regenerate, contract, grow stronger and provide it with stamina and energy. 

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