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Little kids are the best at basketball 😂

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Never, ever skip regular meals. Food nourishes the body. Although dieting or cutting down on food intake can help you lose weight, this cannot assure permanent weight loss because you will tend to eat more the next meal. Prevent dehydration by drinking lots of water. Basketball is rigorous sport so expect that you will sweat a lot. For this reason alone why may companies decided to come with health drinks in liquid form such as those in juices while others come up with powder form which should be consumed along with liquid. Experts agree that people, these days, are very lucky because there is a continuous research and science experiment that aim to provide healthier and better tasting health drinks. Chamberlain, Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, Meadowlark Lemon, and Shaquille O Neal are famous centers. Abdul-Jabbar played for twenty seasons, whereas O Neal had multimedia appearances such as film, music, television, and video games. In addition to the list of great basketball players, the history of basketball can never be complete without the people on the sidelines the coach. For power players, he or she needs basketball shoes which have great stability and cushioning. An all-around player, on the other hand, needs shoes that have good cushioning and moderate ankle support. While fast players need shoes that are lightweight shoes that are flexibility along with moderate support and good cushioning. This can be achieved by shooting the balls on the hoop to score points, while the opponent tries to hinder the shots through various strategies. A shot can be worth two or three points. Three points is given if the shot is made at the three-point arc or 6.25 meters away from the basket for international games and 7.24 meters for the NBA. There are also studies conducted by the Women s Sports Foundation that adolescents who are regularly involved in team sports are less likely to use drugs, be in abusive relationships and have higher chances of finishing high school and continuing to college. They develop self-confidence, making them physically, mentally and emotionally healthy. 

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