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Reboot Your Brain in 30 Seconds - (Discovered by Dr Alan Mandell, DC)

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The primary rule is simple practice makes for better memory, visualization and reasoning skills. Neurobics and other tips The secret is to make connections to the new knowledge. Recalling past events refreshes the old sights and sounds (and even smells) and makes them new again. In neurobics, the trick is to simply change daily routines. With brain training, different exercises are performed to increase listening, reading, writing, visual and auditory skills. Aside from improving brain processes, it could also considered by a growing number of health professionals as a great way for cognitive therapy. There are studies showing the benefits of brain training for the older generation. Physical exercises are also important in developing better mental health. Exercise would feed oxygen to the brain, making the blood flow more efficiently and result in growth of new brain cells. In the study, people above 70 years old are subjected to training. Health experts agree that it is better to start early. Some games that are favored by the older adults are those of remembering faces and names and other images. Spatial intelligence The Rubik s Cube is one very challenging game that will not only stimulate your sense of space (what goes where) and foresight (what to move first), it will also force your sense of logic (why should I move this side first? There are studies showing that brain training could actually help people who are suffering from depression and anxiety. Neurofeedback or neurotherapy would determine brainwaves and areas of the brain triggering these problems. Eventually, patients are trained or coached on how to recreate a calm state to overcome symptoms. Aside from improved memory, there are studies showing brain training also had an effect on the mind s alertness and ability to remain in a positive mood. Brain training, however, is not a standard program for everyone. A particular brain training program may work for one person, but may not yield significant effects on the other. 

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