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The Heartburn-Asthma Connection

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But, when you experience heartburn in an everyday basis, this is what is considered as a chronic or severe case of heartburn. For people who experiences mild cases of heartburn, this can be easily be managed with a change in diet. Over the counter antacids may also help as well as losing weight. People who suffer from moderate cases of heartburn can use these methods to find relief from heartburn. If you are also experiencing heartburn, then it would be wise if you follow these tips in order for you to properly manage or control it and prevent it from taking control of your life. You see, heartburn is a painful condition where you will experience pain often described as a burning sensation on the chest. If the stomach acid travels beyond the esophagus and makes its way in to your mouth, you will experience a bitter or sour taste. This is called regurgitation and is common after eating meals especially when you lie down, bend over or strain. You need to keep in mind that frequent heartburn means exposing your esophagus to stomach acid for long periods of time. If you are a smoker, then you should quit smoking as the nicotine content in cigars and cigarettes can weaken the lower esophageal sphincter, which is basically the muscle the controls the opening between the esophagus and the stomach. These are some of the ways on how you can manage heartburn. Having a severe case of heartburn will lead to much worse complications. This device will measure the pressure of the lower esophageal sphincter. Another method is endoscopy. This method will allow the doctor to see the esophageal mucosa by passing a thin and lighted tube with a small camera through the mouth. This device is called endoscope and is used to examine the esophagus as well as the stomach. It is believed to have been named heartburn because of the burning sensation in the chest when the condition occurs. Generally, heartburn can happen to almost anyone. When you experience heartburn, you will feel a burning sensation that starts in the upper abdomen and works its way up to the breastbone. 

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