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How to avoid acid reflux

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While mild heartburn can be treated easily through lifestyle modification and over the counter antacids, chronic heartburn is far more complicated to treat. This is because chronic heartburn may indicate that you may be suffering from other medical conditions that are far more serious, such as Barrett s esophagus, Hiatal hernia, esophagitis, or GERD. Heartburn is also called acid reflux, pyrosis, and even acid indigestion just to name a few. Basically, the root cause for heartburn is lifestyle or diet. Improper lifestyle and diet can relax the lower esophageal sphincter or LES, which will prevent it from closing properly. When this happens, the acid in your stomach will come in contact with the esophagus, which ultimately causes you to experience what we all know as heartburn. However, keep in mind that consuming these fruits is still important as they are very rich in vitamins and minerals. But, you have to limit yourself in consuming these fruits. Spicy foods can also increase the risk of acid problems. If you love spicy food and you have a problem with heartburn, it may be time for you to limit your consumption of food containing chili, peppers, and hot curries to name a few. This happens because the muscles in your stomach relax because of the hormonal changes in your body during pregnancy. The best thing that you can do is to avoid eating large meals. Instead of eating 3 large meals a day, try to eat 6 smaller meals daily. This will help in decreasing the production of stomach acid. Although this is effective, it is only temporary and you will still experience heartburn. Also, synthetic drugs can cause significant harm to your body. In fact, some antacids have been known to cause diarrhea and even constipation in a lot of people. So, here are natural remedies that will be able to take care of heartburn and eventually lessen its frequency. But, if you experience heartburn on a regular basis, you may need to take this more seriously as repeated heartburn attacks will prevent your esophagus lining from recovering and cause serious damage to it. In extreme cases, it may lead to the scarring of the esophagus. You may also develop Barrett s esophagus, where you will be at risk of getting esophageal cancer. 

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