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Treatments for Heartburn | Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD) | Gastrointestinal Society

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You have to stay awake at least 3 hours after you eat dinner. This will give the acid levels a chance to decrease before you lie down, which is basically the perfect position for heartburn to occur. You should also avoid foods that trigger heartburn. This means that you have to avoid ingesting coffee, fatty foods, alcohol, and acidic fruits, such as oranges and other citrus fruits. The Common Causes of Heartburn If you experienced a bad case of heartburn before then you know how painful and uncomfortable this condition can be. In fact, it can be so painful that you may not be able to do any of your activities. You have to know that there are several causes of heartburn. By knowing about the common causes of heartburn, you will be able to have an idea on how you can prevent it from happening to you or at least reduce its occurrence. You should also try to avoid foods that weaken the sphincter. You have to keep in mind that the sphincter acts as a valve that keeps the stomach acid in the stomach. When you eat certain foods that weaken or relax the sphincter, it will allow stomach acid to reach the esophagus, which ultimately causes heartburn. Carbonated drinks increase the amount of gas in the body, which will eventually put pressure on the stomach. On the other hand, water does not and it will help flush down stomach acid. The sixth way is to drink a cup of green tea every day. The antioxidants in green tea will help get rid of unwanted toxins in your body. Heartburn is painful and it can really stop you from doing any of your daily activities. This is why you have to know about the available medical treatments in order for you to properly manage heartburn and take control of your life from heartburn. Over the counter antacids are the oldest and also one of the most effective treatments for heartburn. Smoking is one of the main triggers of heartburn. The nicotine you inhale will increase the production of stomach acid and it will also weaken the LES or the lower esophageal sphincter. The LES acts as a valve which is primarily responsible for keeping stomach acid inside the stomach and prevent it from reaching your esophagus. 

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