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Chronic heartburn happens when people start experiencing the condition every single day. And, this can really have the ability to take control of your life. Chronic heartburn will rob you of a normal life. You won t be able to sleep because of the pain and also reduce your activities because of the discomfort you will experience from heartburn. But, it is important that you should try and seek medical attention to treat the underlying causes of chronic heartburn. So, if you are already experiencing heartburn more than twice a week, you should immediately seek medical help. The doctor will diagnose what is causing you to experience heartburn and will give you the necessary treatment to lessen the frequency of heartburn and also treat the underlying causes. By knowing about the different reasons that causes heartburn, you will be able to know how to prevent it from happening or at least take control of it. One of the main causes of heartburn is the weakening of the sphincter. Basically, the sphincter acts as a valve that prevents stomach acid from reaching the esophagus. Also, you should try eating your food slowly as this will be able to help reduce the symptoms of heartburn. Secondly, you need to avoid certain foods. If you love spicy food, such as Mexican food, then you may want to cut back on this type of food while you are pregnant. Spicy food can get your stomach to produce more acid, which will increase the likelihood of you experiencing heartburn. The LES acts as a valve which is primarily responsible for keeping stomach acid inside the stomach and prevent it from reaching your esophagus. You should also avoid drinking too much alcohol. Wine and beer triggers heartburn because they tend to increase stomach acid production. By cutting down on alcohol, you will be able to improve your condition and reduce the frequency of heartburn you experience. Although most people do experience heartburn once in a while, you have to remember that this condition is something that you shouldn t take lightly, especially if you have a chronic case of this condition. Chronic heartburn is when you experience this condition every single day or almost every day. If this is the case, then you may want to go to your doctor and have it checked.
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