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Is Surgery for Heartburn Right for You? - Jose Espinel, MD

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If you have been told to administer vicous lidocaine and it relieved you of symptoms 5 to 10 minutes after the administration, it is very likely that the heartburn is esophageal in origin. But, you still have to keep in mind that this does not rule out that it can be caused by heart related illnesses or diseases. Fried and fatty foods should also be avoided as this type of food is hard to digest, which will force your stomach to produce more stomach acid. You also need to drink plenty of water. However, avoid drinking plenty of water while you are eating. The excess fluids will result in increased acid reflux, which will lead to heartburn. Wearing tight clothes can produce a lot of pressure on your stomach, which will force stomach acid up to your esophagus. The eight is to have ginger tea whenever you feel heartburn symptoms. This provides faster relief and it s also a healthier alternative than antacids. The ninth is to quit smoking. However, you have to remember that there is such a thing as a chronic heartburn and this may have a negative effect on your life. So, how can you tell if you are already suffering from a chronic heartburn? Well, if you experience heartburn once a month, this is considered to be acute or mild. If you experience heartburn once a week, this is a moderate case of heartburn. You have to remember that citrus fruits and juices are acidic in nature. You need to keep in mind that your goal is to stop acid from reaching your esophagus and by eating citrus fruits, which are acidic in nature, you are worsening the problem. This means that you may need to avoid fruits, such as oranges and grapefruits. You also have to keep in mind that eating too much spicy and fatty food can be very harmful for heartburn patients. These foods are very difficult to digest, which means that your stomach has to produce extra acid to digest it. It is also very helpful to eat meals early at night. This will help give your stomach time to let the acid subside before you lie down and go to bed. 

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