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Say Goodbye to Heartburn: Understanding & Managing Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease (GERD)

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Basically Hiatal Hernia occurs when the stomach protrudes upwards through the hiatus, which is a space in the diaphragm. When this happens, it can put pressure on the LES, which prevents it from closing properly and therefore let stomach acid flow in to the esophagus freely. Chronic heartburn can be treated with antacids and lifestyle changes. If you have nighttime heartburns, try to elevate your head. But, try not to use extra pillows to elevate your head. Instead, place a wedge underneath the mattress or raise the bed with a 6 inch block on the part where your head is. These are the 10 ways on how you can get rid of heartburn. As you can see, a few lifestyle modifications can go a long way in treating heartburn. You have to keep in mind that over the counter medicines can work for mild cases of heartburn but if you are suffering from a severe case of heartburn, then you may want to try consulting your doctor as this may already be a sign of a more serious illness. You will also find that there are plenty of natural heartburn home remedies. You felt like vomiting but when you gagged, nothing went out. If all these seem familiar to you, then you are suffering from heartburn. Although heartburn may suggest a form of heart disease, it really doesn t have anything to do with the heart. Heartburn is basically a digestive problem, which occurs when the acid inside our stomach comes in contact with the esophagus lining. You should also avoid foods and beverages that reduce pressure on the LES or the lower esophageal sphincter. This means that you have to avoid chocolate, caffeine containing food and beverages, peppermint, and fried or fatty foods. You also need to avoid or lessen your consumption of foods that can damage your esophagus, such as spicy food, oranges, pineapple or citrus fruits and juices, tomato sauce and foods that contain a lot of tomatoes. A lot of people experiences heartburn at some point in time but if you experience this problem frequently, such as 3 times a week, this means that you have chronic heartburn. It is a clear indication that you are suffering from a more serious medical condition, such as GERD. There are factors that can contribute to chronic heartburn. 

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