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Tips That Can Help Prevent Heartburn from Affecting Your Life If you suffer from heartburn, then you have to remember that you re not alone. Heartburn is a condition that millions of people today are suffering from. It is also an age-old condition that people have been experiencing. You have to keep in mind that heartburn is a common condition that is treatable and even preventable. You have to know that millions of people from different parts of the world suffer from heartburn and it is also a very old condition that humans suffer from. If you suffer from heartburn on a regular basis, you may need to treat it in order to prevent heartburn attacks or at least lessen its frequency. You also have to lessen your consumption of food that damages the esophagus, such as spicy food, tomatoes, citrus juices and fruits, and even tomato sauces. After a big meal, you need to take a rest for at least 2 to 3 hours. Avoid doing any activities that forces acid back in to the esophagus, such as lifting, straining, and coughing. If you constantly experience heartburn, antacids will be very useful to you because they offer instant relief from heartburn especially if it is caused by foods or certain activities. But, you have to remember that relief will only be temporary and over the counter heartburn drugs will not prevent heartburn from returning and it will also not allow an injured esophagus to heal. Around 10 to 15 percent of the adult population experiences the condition every day. So, what are the symptoms of heartburn that you should watch out for? Well, you basically need to watch out for that burning feeling in the chest. The sensation may also spread up in to the throat, jaw, and even on the back. This will really help ease the pain you feel during heartburn attacks and it will also lessen your dependency on drugs. So, here are 5 natural cures that will make a big difference when it comes to treating heartburn. The first is to drink more water. This is the most simple yet the most neglected advice for heartburn remedy. 

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