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Attention and trust Instead of presenting them with what you want to sell, present them with the information they have been seeking. Doing so will not only gain their attention, you will also gain their trust. The trust comes in when they understand that you know what you are talking about, and that you answer their questions (giving them knowledge). More prospective customers would be persuaded to heed the call of action through lively, interesting and convincing Internet videos. Websites could use online videos to convey pivotal information that are needed and searched for by online users. Moving pictures communicate more than thousands of words. If you are into online marketing, it is imperative that you fully understand and practice effective preselling. You do not need to be an expert marketer to be able to do so. Contrary to common beliefs, preselling is not a technical skill. It is not something that you should be uncomfortable with. Instead, it could be the key to your online marketing success. Questions and answers Taking the perspective of your customers, ask yourself the following questions: Do I understand what this product is? What is the main purpose of this product? Is this merchant someone I can trust? The answer to these questions should be incorporated in the pre-selling process. You may not please everyone but you are able to write the copy the way you want it sold. When you present him with content that is warm and fuzzy, you will increase the likelihood that he might click your link to make a purchase at the merchant s site. (Or yours, too.) The question then is this: How does one presell? Like talking to a friend The first tip is this: Write like you are talking to some friend, which means you do not use huge words. Many studies have found that doing so is like a desperate move to make online sales. Consumers dislike that. They prefer to buy products through information and recommendation from friends or people who they trust. Thus, in preselling, you should establish yourself as an authority; you should be a trustworthy friend who could talk about specific subjects and offer solutions to problems. 

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