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While it is true that being competitive is a key in terms of achieving goals, there would always be times when you will get tired of running after so many things because you don t want other people to finish before you. To be able to increase productivity, it is best if you run a race at your own pace so you won't get tired. Work to achieve those goals on a daily basis. You would be surprised how much work you could get done in a week and in a month. De-clutter your workstation. Is your office table always too crowded? There could be too many documents or piles of papers sitting on your table top. Getting your table clean is one gauge you are productive. This development had been noted by CEOs and managers as due to the upswing of the business and technology trend referred as unified communications. Basically, it is the streamlining of all types of communications in order to increase the efficiency of information-sharing. Unified communications is a business and technology trend that has been on the upsurge for a few years now. If you get used to doing standard and quality outputs, you would never get away with that habit. In turn, prospective clients or employers would recognize you for that. Productivity would come with quality. Opportunities would open its doors to you more often. Be results-oriented. Nothing will come close to having clear aims and goals. Presently, productivity growth rates in advanced economies are falling below historical structural productivity trends. These represent the rate where productivity can grow. To get back to the structural growth trend, an increased productivity through investment in new capital and innovation is needed - and not just through cost-cutting of the current resource base. Productivity growth rises proportionally with capital deepening. However, there had been some questions addressed in different manners by the experts regarding capital services. One is how to treat individual assets which are rapidly changing over time. The other is how to correctly group these different types of capital into a single number. 

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