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In addition, if the production process uses only one factor (labor, for example), the procedure gives the productivity name of that factor. (In this case, labor productivity). If there is more than one input used for each factor, it is possible to compute by the same procedure its productivity. (In this case, it is termed partial . Also, it was found out that TQM (total quality management) system did not have much significant effects on productivity. Rather, it was raising the proportion of workers in making decisions in the work place (regular meetings, etc.) that showed a positive impact on labor productivity. Profit-sharing In manufacturing plants with profit-sharing schemes for non-managerial workers, there was a 7% higher labor productivity shown compared with their competitors in the same field. This is very important because if one keeps an open and positive outlook towards life in general, he or she will be able to overcome the everyday struggle that would come along the way. Also, if one has a positive outlook in life, he or she will be able to turn failures into successes by seizing each opportunity that knock on the door. If you run short of any of the mentioned concepts, chances are realizing your goals would be as hard as you could never have imagined. To observe clarity and organization, it would be helpful to write down your goals in a piece of paper. In doing so, make sure to include the time frame or when you want the goal to be achieved or completed and what measures you can do to achieve or accomplish such goals. Labor Vis- -Vis Multi-Factor Productivity For a long time, when there is talk of productivity it always means labor productivity. This is the measure of the output that an hour of labor produces. Multi-factor productivity is more comprehensive than labor productivity. Whereas labor productivity tends to focus on manufacturing (easier to quantify) rather than services, multi-factor productivity on the other hand takes the computation several levels up. Sassone (1991) The technique used by Sassone is simple to implement. Work is classified by the lowest level of employee. Work is then recorded by the type. Finally, data is compiled in a matrix format and analyzed. The matrix shows the amount of effort expended by each employee type, and whether they are working above or below their level, indicating a mix of workers in a work group. 

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