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The moment some of these reflexes are addressed and manipulated, then stress is removed and in the process the parasympathetic response in the person's body is activated that in turn releases in the imbalances in the person's body. And the moment the stress is removed and that the circulation of the energy has been restored to its normal level, then the person who is subjected to reflexology returns to that stage called homeostasis. It's all about networking with friends and health care providers. Ask around to find the best and able referrals. You may find that some of your friends have already asked for the services of a therapist, and they can lead you to someone who really knows what he is doing. It's best to check out professional organizations and associations. But if you are not, then your state has its own set of regulations so you may have to personally check out their websites or related organizations. It all starts with trainings and certifications You need to have the right trainings and certifications in order to practice reflexology. Now the good news is that there are a number of training schools that offer trainings and seminars. And if the therapist learns that this is the first time that the person is taking the session, and then the practitioner may explain the nature of the therapy and the benefits. It is here when the practitioner will explain that reflexology is just a complementary therapy and that this will not solve all medical and health woes. It all starts with 'Zone Therapy' If you are going to locate reflexology in western culture, then you will know that the popularity of this form of therapy can be traced at the start of the 1930s. But as far back as the 1913, this form of therapy was already discovered but in a different name. This was first known as the 'Zone Therapy' and it was the American surgeon named William Fitzgerald who first studied these. It could be borne out of a heart disease or illness or of complications from other diseases which disrupts the body's pumping organ. Heart or chest pain can be felt in various forms. Palpitations or a string of continuous loud thudding are irregular forceful beatings of the heart. This is often felt by people with coronary artery disease. 

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