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Realize that half of the 24 hours allotted to each of us each day are to be spent for personal necessities like eating, sleeping and toilet. The remaining hours is for travelling and other personal errands. The eight hours left to work everyday is not only very reasonable it is ideal. - Individuals may differ but for most people, the first working hours in the morning are the most productive. Consider this weekly time allowance: - Everybody have 168 hours in one week. - Sleep = 7 hours for the average adult. Given one hour plus or minus, sleep eats that much time. 7 hours x 7 days = 49 hours - Lecture and lab time per week = 25 hours - Personal necessities (eating, grooming, hygiene, etc) = 2 hours a day x 7 = 14 hours - Study time at one hour per subject (average) = 25 hours - Other students will need short naps between classes. Poorly defined key result areas means poor progress checking and not achieving desired measures of success. - Written objectives and activities defining the right tasks at the right time must be reinforced. It may be worth the while to observe realistic cycle plans and cyclic time frames. - Identify time wasters to use time more effectively. But often, time control buffs go to the extreme of gaining more time to turn it into another frenzy of activity and so on where no time is really left to enjoy the rewards gained. Whatever the arguments are, time management has to be applied and is crucial if one has to adapt to the thrill of competition. Another issue is that people of other cultures may be the very people who will benefit from time management most to upgrade productivity and progress but often the very same people who need it most and want it most are those who can afford it least. Whatever the issues involved, time management books are the handiest training materials that one's hand can lay on in time management. No one has really conquered time all of the time but the few that made the most out of it are richly rewarded When we say time management however, what it generally refers to is its better use so that productivity and efficiency are increased because today, to continuously be competitive whether in business or in personal affairs, time management is crucial.
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