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That is why truffles are known to be one of the costliest foods in the world, with prices ranging from $150 to thousands of dollars. However, their rich taste and aroma make their price, scarcity, and quite unappealing appearance all worth it. Are you considering truffles for culinary use? Then it pays to acquaint yourself with the different varieties of truffles available nowadays. Since buying truffles is no light matter, in relation to budget, it is important to consider several things to ensure that you would be getting your money worth. Timing is essential in harvesting, marketing and buying truffles. There are truffles like the black winter variety that is best bought during its peak season which is from February to March. What makes truffle hunting all the more difficult is the fact that this mushroom variety grows underground. You can dig truffles from as deep as 15 inches from the ground. That is why you enlist the help of a trained dog or pig when scouring different sources of truffles in the wild. Your hunting buddy must have the ability to detect the pungent smell of truffles. Keep the flavour of the truffle as the center of the dish. Do not overwhelm it with food with strong flavours. Fats like butter, oil and even cheese could bring out the flavour of the mushroom. To bring out the flavour of the truffle more, limit the quantity to 8-10 grams of truffle per person. Shave or slice the fungi using the truffle shaver. These are mostly in Europe including Italy, France, Slovenia and Croatia; in the United including Washington and Oregon; in Asia mostly in some parts of the Middle East and in North Africa. In these areas, truffles which usually grow about 30 centimeters or approximately one foot are found under the ground. Buying Truffle Ask the vendor or sales clerk to make a small slice out of the truffle so that you can view its meat and judge if it is in good condition. Choose truffles that have been cleaned. A truffle s dirt or cleanliness has nothing to do with its freshness, smell, and flavor. So go for the clean ones.
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