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Chocolate Truffle Recipe

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If you have decided to purchase truffle products instead of truffles, then you expect less intense flavour. It may even fade away quickly. Truffle products should be kept away from direct sunlight and should be consumed immediately to achieve best results. If it is difficult to search truffles and truffle products in your location, then the best option would be to check online sites. With its strong flavor and rich aroma, you can t go wrong with using gourmet truffles as an enhancer in any dish, turning it from bland to flavorful. It s no wonder why chefs and savvy food connoisseurs love to experiment different dishes with truffles as an ingredient. Why don t you use one in your own kitchen? When storing your truffles, wrap them individually in paper towel and place them in a sealed jar to ensure that its odor won t affect other foods in the fridge. Regardless of variety, truffles work best when paired with fat-rich foods such as cheese (Parmesan, Asiago, and Romano varieties), butter, cream, and foie gras. This is considered as among the most expensive types, ranging from $1000 to $3000 per pound. Exclusively found in Perigord region in France before, other countries like United States, Spain, and Australia because of the high demand. Most chefs use the French Black Truffle because its blue-black colored exterior which is very refreshing in various dishes. Trees are very essential on its growth. Soil - Aside from the trees, it is also important to prepare the soil where the trees would be planted. It has been tested the Mid-Atlantic States have reliable soil types for truffle growth. There are times when the solid has to be amended with lime to adjust its alkaline level. They are used to hunt for truffles since this emits pungent smell that sows mistake for a male pig. Although pigs are proven quite effective in hunting for truffles, there is one disadvantage. Once they find the truffles, they would eat it right away and the hunter could no longer stop them. Because of the nature of female pigs, trufficulteurs has decided to use dogs instead because they do not consume the pricey delicacy once these are located. 

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