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Easy Chocolate Truffles Recipe #Shorts

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Although there are hundreds of truffle species, not all are consumed by humans. There are particular truffles which are considered higher in value compared with other species, like the white truffle. The lowest value for truffles was in 1992, when it reached $350 for each pound. Its most expensive was when each pound costs $2000. Italian white truffles - They are best paired with eggs, white meat, risotto, and pasta. Add thin slices or shavings of these truffles over the dish. You can also place thin truffle slices under chicken skin before roasting. Spruce up your simple meals! Who says truffles are just for gourmet dishes? You can put slices of truffle over fondue, shavings of truffle over rice dishes, or sprinkles of truffle into wild mushroom sauce. White winter truffles are harvested between October and December. Other varieties of truffle mushroom include white summer truffle and black summer truffle. Harvested from January through April, white summer truffle is the least popular among the main types of truffles. Its meat is off-white with traces of tan, while its outer skin is white or tan. Through the years, contentions have been hounding the health benefits and nutritional value of truffles and mushrooms, in general. People say that edible mushrooms such as truffles have no nutritional value at all and these are used just to add flavor to a variety of staple dishes. However, more recent studies show that truffles and other types of mushrooms can bring a lot of health benefits especially to vegetarians, people who don t eat meat and only consume vegetables. You need a great deal of patience and a little luck to be able to find a truffle. In America, people locate truffle mushrooms using a simple garden rake. If you can find something yellowish, beige, or reddish brown that resembles a potato, you might be just lucky because that s a truffle! For many centuries, dogs and pigs have been trained to hunt truffle mushrooms. A truffle s dirt or cleanliness has nothing to do with its freshness, smell, and flavor. So go for the clean ones. Not only does it make you pay less for a lighter pack of truffles, but it also allows you to see what you are actually buying. Check the truffles for softness and firmness. Truffles with soft spots tend to have worms in them. 

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