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MMA Fighters Try Women’s Self-Defense: episode #10 Wrist Control!

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The hand to hand training takes place in about two days, far more women's self defense than you would get in a hour class at the YMCA. The next phase of women's self defense in the military is bayonet training. Here the soldier will learn how to kill a man using her bayonet either on her rifle or in her hand. There are new tips and advice coming out daily on the internet and being introduced at women's self defense seminars around the world. The courses are full of information that will protect yourself from injury both physical and emotional and even death. Here is some of the newest information on women's self defense is what exactly are men looking for in a victim. It is for this reason that every single woman, regardless of age, should learn the basics of women's self-defense. Women's self-defense is an important set of skills that one should investigate. These new and important talents can be gained through classes at the local community center, YMCA, YWCA, and some are even offered through the local law enforcement agencies. At the women's self defense class you will be instructed on be proactive instead of reactive when it comes to the safety of your children. Most attackers will not attack a whole family. It has happened but there is safety in numbers and a woman and two kids make more targets that escape and more witnesses if they are caught. The probe attaches to the attacker's skin and clothes and delivers a powerful electric shock to his or her body. The electric shock will last several seconds and then threw will be small bursts that are delivered afterward. The shock incapacitates neurons in the neuromuscular systems. He will simply collapse. The pain withdrawal reflex for this point causes the arm to straighten. You can easily put the attacker into an arm lock or pull the elbow down as you bring up your knee. This can be doubled up with a brain shake. Using two fingers bent like a fist, hit your attacker in the at an angle into the occipital nerve right at the temple. 

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