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Using women's self defense the right way will save you the misery of recovery or the loss of property. Tip number one, if you carry pepper spray; warn your attacker before you spray if you have time. If you are far enough away yell, "I have pepper spray and I am not afraid to use it." This fact alone may be enough to sway your attacker from fulfilling his predetermined plans. A loud blast from a whistle can cause the attacker to stop or run away. The last thing they want is to be seen by other people than your self. If the attack is more physical women's self defense will teach you some self defense moves to ward off or disable the attacker long enough to get away or to get help. Check your back seat and have your friend stand there until you are safely in your car and on your way. Avoid dark places like alleys or parking behind a building especially at night. The more visible you are the less likely you are to be attacked. Be aware of your surroundings. Look who is walking behind and in front of you. Women's Self Defense: Fad or Necessity Today's society would have one believe that a woman who chooses to live alone is allowing herself to become a target for all sorts of criminal activity. A woman alone is an easy mark, so to speak, and as such should be prepared to defend herself. However, there is evidence that it is not the unknown attacker that should be of concern, but those that are chosen to be trusted. Families have been attacked at the grocery store parking lot, at the mall, and even at home. As a mother you owe it to your children to be able to protect and yourself. The attack upon your person, whether if sexual or physical, can leave scars on both your body and your mind. The trauma of an attack can live you emotionally scared for years. Women's self-defense experts advise that pepper spray can be attained almost anywhere. The best places that you can find would be at gun shops and pawn shops. Even your local Wal-Mart carries its own brand of pepper spray. Be warned; some states want you to obtain a license to carry pepper spray and some states do not allow it at all.
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