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Women's self-defense experts say that this is the most effective way to stop an attacker in their tracks and could possibly save your life. The probes shoot out at a whopping speed of 135 feet a second. That is 41 miles an hour if you do not want to do the math. The probe attaches to the attacker's skin and clothes and delivers a powerful electric shock to his or her body. You may even take the stairs instead of the elevator just to avoid this harasser. It is not fair for you to adjust your life to avoid something that is wrongly being done to you. Women's self defense will teach you how to verbally confront this person so that he feels uncomfortable and will leave you alone. The psychological scars could affect your relationship with your family and even cause friction when they do not understand why you feel the way you do. You will question yourself to why you did not take a women's self defense class. A simple hour or two in your schedule could have saved you a lifetime of pain. Pepper spray is the best non-lethal women's self-defense item you can have close at hand. It is small and easy to use. The product is made so small, manufacturers have made it easy to carry with you or keep close by. Pepper spray has been made so convenient that you can keep in to a key chain. Other models have been made so you wear around your neck like a pendent. Women's Self Defense and Your Mental Well Being An attack against your body can affect your mind. If you have been physically attacked and have resulted in injury or rape, the psychological affects can leave you more scared on the inside than you were scarred on the outside. Women's self defense advocacy groups monitor robberies, domestic abuse, rapes, and abductions so that they can get the women that were attacked the help that need both to mend their bodies and their minds. Some women's self defense instructors' work closely with these psychologist and some classes are even taught with the counselor as part of the class. The young girls who have had this done to them need to know they are not alone and that they have trust worthy adults in their life that cares for them.
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