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Bob Gregory Aka Woman Judo Self Defence (1937)

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Learning the skills of women's self-defense can also benefit an individual in other ways. A women's self-defense class can be a fun and interesting method for burning calories and toning the overall body. The art of women's self-defense teaches women to use the abilities given to them by Mother Nature. It is small and can fit into your pocket or purse easily. If you do not have that available use what ever hard object you can find to stop the attacker. A brush or even your purse makes an excellent weapon. If the man is trying to steal your purse, let him have it. There is nothing in your hand bag that is worth risking your life over. Simply bring it back and a huge arc and let it go. The attacker will not want to do much else afterward, but get away quickly. During inclement weather a umbrella makes an excellent women's self defense weapon. You must use it the right way. If the attacker is coming at you, point the pointy end of the umbrella at his face and lunge forward with the foot that is on the same side of the umbrella. Your self esteem is important. If you do not feel good about yourself, you will not feel good about what you do and how you do it. Women's self defense helps you to bring in that self esteem or bring it back into your life. The lack of self esteem and the fear of new things because of your anxiety due to safety can lead you to live a sheltered life that can hinder you from living life to the fullest. One needs only investigate the community offerings and proceed to the next women's self defense class to begin work in securing their own safety, both in the home and when alone on the streets of their community. It is important to also remember that in addition to learning to protect one's self, an individual will build confidence upon acquiring the skills of women's self defense. When one has provided their own transportation, they can leave as soon as the opportunity arises and still, perhaps, salvage an evening. The practice of meeting a new suitor instead of allowing the man to come to your home has additional advantages. A smart woman should not give out her address and personal information to strangers, but when one allows the unknown date to come to her home, she is doing just that. 

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