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Women's Self Defense: Fad or Necessity Today's society would have one believe that a woman who chooses to live alone is allowing herself to become a target for all sorts of criminal activity. A woman alone is an easy mark, so to speak, and as such should be prepared to defend herself. However, there is evidence that it is not the unknown attacker that should be of concern, but those that are chosen to be trusted. So not only can your attacker not see you, they are also dealing with breathing which is difficult because of the amount of fluid in the both the nose and the mouth. The best women's self-defense system once you have spayed the pepper spray is the scream and run. The scream will alert people if they are around and running is the best way to get away from the attacker. Many women suffer physical, emotional, and psychological abuse from their partners, boyfriends, or husbands. Even children and teenagers have been known to attack their girlfriends or mothers. You have to know how to protect yourself and protect your children from harm. The lack of knowledge about women's self defense has proved lethal in the many cases of abuse. This is a big break through when a woman realizes that she did the best that she could do and that none of the attack was her fault. If possible and if advisable by the counselor, the victim may want to confront the attacker if the attacker has been incarcerated. Seeing the attacker helpless and behind bars sometimes makes the woman feel empowered and ready to take back her life back. A woman's self defense expert once said, "If you said you wouldn't be caught dead in a dark alley, your mistaken. Dead is actually is how you would be caught in that alley." A good way to keep your valuables from being stolen is to fool your attacker. You do not even have to have a women's self defense class for this one. The typical image of a rapist is a man that runs out of the bushes and forces a woman to have unwanted sex. This is what people think women's defense class is training women for. This is hardly ever the case and the people who think this way are truly misled. Women's self defense classes are now training women how to recognize potential red flags which may lead them to be sexually assaulted.
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