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Even if you have had women's self defense training it does not mean that you will be able to defend yourself completely. You may have save your life or your wallet, but the trauma of an attack is to much for some people to handle. Even friends and family may not enough to get that bad memory out of your head. A women who has taken women's self-defense classes can stop an attack by an unwanted Romeo or at least hold back the attack until she gets help. Today's society is a dangerous place for a lady. Every time she walks across an abandoned parking lot at the local supermarket or walks into the parking garage at night to get in her car, she is endanger of being attacked for reasons of sex or money. You will glad you did when you make it through a dangerous experience safely and intact. Always be prepared for an attack from someone who wants to do physical or sexual harm to you. Carry something in your purse or on your person that will be a deterrent to your attacker. A can of pepper spray or mace is great. Once the attacker is incapacitated, the victim can drop the Taser and walk away. Some of the opponents of the Taser, even some in women's defense advocacy, says that the weapon could seriously harm someone. The Taser can not harm muscles, nerves or the heart. There has been no Taser related deaths to date. The lack of preparation can set you up with serious consequences such as loss of personal property, unwanted sexual proposals and action, injury or death. If this is not enough to convince you to take women's self defense classes, then what about your kids. Families have been attacked at the grocery store parking lot, at the mall, and even at home. Give a battle cry that will scare the wits out of the guy. Draw as much attention to your self as possible. This sounds like a bad action movie but this guy just kidnapped you. Take him out and get away. Run toward the traffic waving your arms and screaming. People may not stop but they will call the police.
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