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3 Self-Defense Escapes Everyone Should Learn

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You now wished you have taken a women's self-defense course but now it is too late. You would not need a woman's self-defense course if you had a Taser. What is a Taser you ask? A Taser is a non-lethal weapon that uses compressed nitrogen to shoot out tethered needle probes that when applied can deliver an electric shock that will disable your assailant. Take a women's self defense course have the confidence it takes to save yourself. You do not have to be physical or be in great shape. You just have to get out there and take the classes. The classes are designed for women who have little to no knowledge of self defense. The instructors communicate in easy to understand language that will transfer the knowledge you need to defend yourself. Later in the healing process, you might want to escort the victim to the site of the attack. Here she can confront her fears and break down a barrier that is holding her back. In addition of emotional support from the significant other, women's self defense advocates say that the victim may want to visit a professional counselor. The next phase of women's self defense in the military is bayonet training. Here the soldier will learn how to kill a man using her bayonet either on her rifle or in her hand. She will learn that the bayonet can slash the throat of her attacker by coming down at an angle in a downward motion. She will be taught how to stick the bayonet into her attacker's body, twist it to cause the most internal damage possible, and then pull it from his body. The product is made so small, manufacturers have made it easy to carry with you or keep close by. Pepper spray has been made so convenient that you can keep in to a key chain. Other models have been made so you wear around your neck like a pendent. Women's self-defense advocates have help the product be designed where you can keep it in your purse, in your office desk, or in your product. One thing that Rape Aggression Defense teaches is that you have to know what cause the desire of rape and the predicaments that you can avoid to reduce your chance of rape. Somebody jumping out of the bushes and attacking you is one of the least occurring scenarios you happen in the real world. Most rapes come from family members, husbands, boyfriends, or the guy you just met in the nightclub. 

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