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If the attacker is coming at you, point the pointy end of the umbrella at his face and lunge forward with the foot that is on the same side of the umbrella. Remember do not swing the umbrella like sword. It will not stop or injure the attacker. You must use the point. Aim at the face area, especially toward the eyes or mouth. The seminar focuses on just those skills. The instruction is so fluid that you will be able to pick out the style that fits both your mind and your attitude. You do not have to be a black belt or a muscle woman to practice women's self defense. All you have to have is the will and the determination to learn what will work for you. Some women's self defense instructors' work closely with these psychologist and some classes are even taught with the counselor as part of the class. The young girls who have had this done to them need to know they are not alone and that they have trust worthy adults in their life that cares for them. It sounds like a loud truck horn. This could easily fit into your purse or hand bag. One blast from this usually sends everyone running, friend or foe. You can purchase this at any novelty shop. Usually your local Wal-Mart carries this devise. It is an excellent women's self defense tool. You need to beware that if it sits to long or you use it to often, the air will escape and it will be useless. Tell him loudly enough for other people to hear you, for him to leave you alone or you will report him to human resources. If this does not stop him, then report him. An example of physical safety is just that. You are being compromised physically and you have to do something to escape harm. Women's defense will teach not how to kick an attackers butt, but will teach you how to fend him off long enough to get away or get help. You can easily put the attacker into an arm lock or pull the elbow down as you bring up your knee. This can be doubled up with a brain shake. Using two fingers bent like a fist, hit your attacker in the at an angle into the occipital nerve right at the temple. This causes the brain to be shaken in the skull.
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