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Ramsey narrates Women’s Self-Defense video from China

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Using women's self defense the right way will save you the misery of recovery or the loss of property. Tip number one, if you carry pepper spray; warn your attacker before you spray if you have time. If you are far enough away yell, "I have pepper spray and I am not afraid to use it." This fact alone may be enough to sway your attacker from fulfilling his predetermined plans. They are missing out on a wonderful experience because their self esteem is low and they do not have the confidence to take the leap and go on that vacation. These women are left with a life full of disappoint and missed opportunities. Women's self defense will give that woman the self esteem to believe in herself and she will take life by the horns. You know a few women's self-defense techniques, but you are trying to figure out what to do for this specific situation. You do not want to over react but you feel threatened and your mind is racing for fear. You verbally address the man, but he still keeps walking forward. You then scream for help, but there is nobody there to hear you. A women's self defense course can be easily found within your community. Call your local law enforcement agency and ask if they offer the service. Sometimes your YMCA will host a women's defense course which is at a low cost or sometimes free. Check out your local paper. Sometimes a women's self defense course is listed in the community activity section. The interloper will do anything to keep his crime a secret and will wait until you are out of eye sight or out of ear shot of the general public before he will perpetrate his crime. If you make noise to attract the attention of other people, most attackers will resist the urge to continue the assault once started. You will relive the moment over and over in your mind. Think what those emotions will do to your significant other or your children. They will have a mother who is afraid of going out of the house or enjoying activities in public. The psychological scars could affect your relationship with your family and even cause friction when they do not understand why you feel the way you do. 

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