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5 Self-Defense Moves Every Woman Should Know | HER Network

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Somebody jumping out of the bushes and attacking you is one of the least occurring scenarios you happen in the real world. Most rapes come from family members, husbands, boyfriends, or the guy you just met in the nightclub. Rape is usually not a first response action. The perpetrator will make a planned attempt that is usually a long or short term decision to take what is not given to him. " A good way to keep your valuables from being stolen is to fool your attacker. You do not even have to have a women's self defense class for this one. Just do not put anything of value in your purse. Carry your credit cards and large bills in your jacket pocket or in your sock. Another trick is to carry your stuff in a fanny pack under your jacket or short. The importance of attending these seminars are important because hey will introduce a variety of techniques. Whether they involve martial arts like Kung Fu or Karate, each defense technique is designed with women in mind. There is no sense learning to high kicks and moves that would take years to master. Here the soldier will learn how to kill a man using her bayonet either on her rifle or in her hand. She will learn that the bayonet can slash the throat of her attacker by coming down at an angle in a downward motion. She will be taught how to stick the bayonet into her attacker's body, twist it to cause the most internal damage possible, and then pull it from his body. A Taser is a non-lethal weapon that uses compressed nitrogen to shoot out tethered needle probes that when applied can deliver an electric shock that will disable your assailant. Women's self-defense experts say that this is the most effective way to stop an attacker in their tracks and could possibly save your life. This is what people think women's defense class is training women for. This is hardly ever the case and the people who think this way are truly misled. Women's self defense classes are now training women how to recognize potential red flags which may lead them to be sexually assaulted. The woman needs to understand what rape means so that the can recognize the warning signs. 

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