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Women's Self Defense Class

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In addition the women's self defense class will teach basic hand to hand fighting that will injure your assailant long enough for you to get away. If the attack becomes really personal you will be taught how to use pressure points to either loosen the attackers grip or to cause enough pain so that the attacker lets go. Women were protected in the past by society's rules and a sense of chivalry. Not that chivalry is dead everywhere, a woman has more chance to be assaulted in today's society then they would have twenty years ago. Women's self-defense is more important today because women have been devalued at the street level in today's society. The attacker will not want to do much else afterward, but get away quickly. During inclement weather a umbrella makes an excellent women's self defense weapon. You must use it the right way. If the attacker is coming at you, point the pointy end of the umbrella at his face and lunge forward with the foot that is on the same side of the umbrella. This could easily fit into your purse or hand bag. One blast from this usually sends everyone running, friend or foe. You can purchase this at any novelty shop. Usually your local Wal-Mart carries this devise. It is an excellent women's self defense tool. You need to beware that if it sits to long or you use it to often, the air will escape and it will be useless. These new and important talents can be gained through classes at the local community center, YMCA, YWCA, and some are even offered through the local law enforcement agencies. Since the courses are so readily available, no woman should ever live in fear of a potential assault by a new suitor. In the past, the prospective date would be known to the woman, or at least known by the woman's friends or relatives. If this does not stop him, then report him. An example of physical safety is just that. You are being compromised physically and you have to do something to escape harm. Women's defense will teach not how to kick an attackers butt, but will teach you how to fend him off long enough to get away or get help. 

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