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🍑 Street Self-Defense for women

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Women's Self Defense and Your Children Besides your own life and probably more important than your own life your, children's welfare and safety are the most important things in your life. You want to protect them from the evils of the world and want them to have a better life than you have had. How are you going to protect them in these trubulent times. With a combination of martial arts and other lethal methods, the woman will be able to take a man off his feet and disable him from further attack. The hand to hand training takes place in about two days, far more women's self defense than you would get in a hour class at the YMCA. The next phase of women's self defense in the military is bayonet training. Just jot down the time and place and make time to attend. These lessons are usually short and very informative. Even take your kids. Sometimes the knowledge shared there can give you a little more confidence in their safety and well being. You have to get out there try. Nobody is going to make the call for you, so find a women's self defense course and attend. Always be prepared for an attack from someone who wants to do physical or sexual harm to you. Carry something in your purse or on your person that will be a deterrent to your attacker. A can of pepper spray or mace is great. It is small and can fit into your pocket or purse easily. If you do not have that available use what ever hard object you can find to stop the attacker. They are missing out on a wonderful experience because their self esteem is low and they do not have the confidence to take the leap and go on that vacation. These women are left with a life full of disappoint and missed opportunities. Women's self defense will give that woman the self esteem to believe in herself and she will take life by the horns. The only reason you would have to use women's self defense techniques is if the thief attacks your person directly. Do not carry any dangerous weapons in your purse like guns or knifes. The thief could use the weapons against you. Women's self defense does little good when your own gun or knife is pointing at you. 

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