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10 Self-Defense moves You MUST Know | Aikido Martial Art

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What if you were walking down the street or in your front yard and someone grabs you and throws you in a car. You will probably be bound or duct tapped and sometimes you may just be threatened with a gun or knife. What are you going to do to get out of that situation? Remember in a moving car everyone is vulnerable and the kidnapper really can't keep his entire attention on your and the road at the same time. You do not want to fumble with your keys if you are getting chased. Women's self defense experts also advice that you do not leave anything of value visible in your car. A potential thief can turn into a potential rapist if he is caught in the act by you. Place the articles in the trunk and lock all the doors on your car. If you want to wear a short skirt or low cut blouse to a cocktail party or a nightclub, wear it. Just be aware of where you are and where you will have to go when you want to go home. Have fun at the club, but when it is time to go home ask a close friend or an employee to walk you to your car. That late at night you do not want to walk outside alone. The self-esteem will rise so much that many women finally find the gumption to leave the relationship until counseling and remediation is made or to leave the relationship completely. If you are afraid of being attacked and go out of your way to avoid potentially dangerous situations, you are missing the best part of life. They are more likely to go after long hair than a woman in short hair. The long hair is easier to grab and use to cause pain and to direct the rest of the woman's body where the assailant wants it to go. What you are doing can also zero you as a target. A woman walking done the street talking in her cell phone and digging through her pocket book is not really paying attention to what is going on around her. The charge of breaking and entering is worth it if it saves your life. The owners probably would not press charges due to the circumstances. Another artificial noise maker is the compressed air noise maker. This is the obnoxious noise maker that you hear at foot ball games. It sounds like a loud truck horn. 

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