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You have to remember that big meals mean that the stomach has to work harder to digest the food you eat. This will also mean that the stomach will take a lot longer to digest what you eat and it has to produce more acid to digest the food. This is what you don t want to happen when you are already lying down your bed getting ready to go to sleep. After antacids, the next group of drugs that you may need to take for easing heartburn symptoms is histamine-2 blockers. Most drugs of this type may be purchased over the counter and what it does is that it decreases the amount of acid that your stomach produces. Usually, they are taken twice a day and they provide relief from heartburn within 30 minutes of taking it. Keep in mind that the nicotine inside cigarettes and cigars can prevent the LES or lower esophageal sphincter from functioning properly. The LES acts as a valve that separates the stomach acid from the esophagus. Lastly, try to adjust your body position when sleeping. If you have nighttime heartburns, try to elevate your head. If you experience heartburn almost every single day, then you have a chronic case of heartburn. Mild cases of heartburn will mean that you experience this condition once a month. Mild cases may be treated with simple home remedies, such as changing your diet, over the counter antacids and even by losing weight or by avoiding wearing tight clothes. By cutting down on alcohol, you will be able to improve your condition and reduce the frequency of heartburn you experience. Lastly, you should try drinking a cup of green tea once every day. This will help get rid of toxins inside your stomach and significantly reduce the amount of stomach acid being produced. Water is very effective in neutralizing stomach acid, which will eventually result in lessening the frequency of heartburn. You should also try eating honey. This is a known natural remedy for heartburn and it can also help heal damaged LES tissue. Try eating around 3 tablespoons of honey during the day and before you go to bed.
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