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The Truth About Rosea Rhodiola The truth, the whole truth and nothing but the truth. With so much hype generated concerning Rosea Rhodiola, it s easy to get muddled and confused with the lies, the half truths, and what the reality is about with this wonder plant. Some are even turned off with Rosea Rhodiola because with such hype, it seems that it s just a marketing ploy to get consumers to jump the bandwagon and to let go of their hard earned money bin hopes to find a miracle cure to their ailment. It has been around for centuries and has been an essential element in European and Asian medical cultures. In Russia alone, where it is better known as golden root, it has been the plant of choice for its military troops and KGB agents for its medicinal properties in fighting depression, stress and fatigue for those who have been assigned to Siberia and other extreme weather and high altitude posts. Studies have also proven that taking a little more than half a milligram of Rosea Rhodiola yields noticeable improvement in the reduction of depression symptoms. Mental health enhancement is an apparent benefit that Rosea Rhodiola provides, Aside from the uplifting of a person s mood; Rosea Rhodiola has shown that it also is a great aid for memory improvement and the development of a consistent attention span. When cortisol is produced at an elevated amount and stays in our system for a prolonged period of time, it can do more damage than good. This is where Rosea Rhodiola can come in and help you out. What is cortisol anyway? Cortisol is an essential hormone produced by the adrenal glands that is mainly involved in the regulation of blood pressure, release insulin for maintaining balance in blood sugar levels, and necessary for inflammatory responses, immune functions, and for proper metabolism of glucose. Stress reduction helps in greatly decreasing the onset of dilapidating diseases and health conditions like cancer and heart problems. Women who have irregular menstrual cycle or have amenorrhea can find solace with Rosea Rhodiola as they help induce natural cycles without any negative effect on their hormones. Rosea Rhodiola roots can be ordered through the internet and it is also available in your local herb or health stores. Another optiuon is for you to grow it on your own. Rosea Rhodiola, although can be found in cold climates is a perennial plant that is able to grow in most weather climates, even in dry and warm climates. 

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