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Les bienfaits de la rhodiola rosea sur le corps et l’esprit

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These benefits mainly surround the areas where there is improved performance, such as the promotion of mental performance, the reduction of various stress levels, promote better and deeper sleep, enhance stamina, endurance and energy, uplift the mood of a person, and improve sexual performance. There are still numerous health benefits that can be derived from Rosea Rhodiola extract but those mentioned above are what have been touted as the top and immediate benefits that are realized. Laboratory and clinical studies have not exactly pinpointed how the Rosea Rhodiola works in treating health conditions but they have broken down the compounds that can be found inside the root of the plant. These compounds have been isolated into six, namely, Monoterpernes, Flavonoids, Triterpenes, Phenylpropanoids, Phenylethanol derivatives, and Phenolic Acids. This active ingredient is called rosavins. There should be ample amount of rosavins to ensure that you are receiving optimum Health benefits. Check the label to see the level of concentration of rosavins there is. If there is only a small amount, this is an inferior product. Normally, for every 100 mg capsule, there should be about 6 percent rosavins. Also, if the content label lists numerous ingredients, the Rosea Rhodiola content will be very minimal and most likely diluted. Another scam is when a Rosea Rhodiola product is being sold at a price extremely lower than that of the other products, it is most likely that the website that is selling these products is not reputable and only after your credit card details. While many studies concentrate more on the mental aspect, the same studies have also shown that the Rosea Rhodiola helps on the development of the muscles and the healing after a very rigorous exercise program. It also helps strengthen the endurance of the muscles and its regeneration. Also, it has been discovered that this plant helps fight obesity and chronic fatigue, and when tested as an antioxidant, it showed that it is beneficial in preventing colon cancer. For example, Siberians and Scandinavians have long grew and used them to help strengthen their bodies to weather the extremely harsh cold climates and when they go up the mountains for exploration and hunting. And legend has it that in the modern ages, the Soviet Union, used the Rosea Rhodiola, known also as arctic root and golden root, for the same purposes for their KGB agents. 

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