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Self-Hypnosis The Betty Erickson Technique

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The CD uses a hypnotic progressive relaxation technique that will get your relaxed mentally and even physically. Once relaxed you will have no trouble sleeping. Lynda Malerstein a clinical hypnotherapist from Los Angeles, California has created a self hypnosis CD that is designed to cure insomnia. Her CD titled Power Journey to Deep Restful Sleep, uses guided imagery along with relaxing background music. Ending a Self Hypnosis Session When doing self hypnosis you must end the hypnosis session. This means that instead of getting up and just moving about, you need to set a way to clearly define in your mind that hypnosis has ended. Many experts recommend that a person never associate sleep with self hypnosis. You must now take responsibility. Does this mean that you are responsible for your child s death? No it means you are responsible for becoming the person you are today. Your child s death was what cause you to become a bitter person, your child s death caused you to become so grief stricken you let your life fall apart. This will allow you to fully know what you are going to say during your session before your session begins. By knowing what you are going to say before hand , you will not be sitting there during hypnosis trying to figure out what to say to yourself. This will allow for a more successful self hypnosis session. Studies have shown that self hypnosis did in deed enlarge a woman's breasts and is now starting to show that the male's penis can also be enlarged naturally with this form of therapy. We have all heard that our cells are constantly growing and that these cells have memory to tell them where and how to grow. After all would you try and hypnotize yourself to bark like a dog every time you heard a door bell? I really don t think so. Myth #2-Forever being stuck in a hypnotized state of mind This is not going to happen either. Your mind will not allow for you to go drifting off into Never-Never Land. As much as a lot of us would like to escape that way, it just will not happen. 

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