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Stress Management - 12 Easy Steps to Resolve Stress (Coping with Stress)

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Currently, statistical data reveal there are 18 million who are migraine sufferers, with 70% of those made up by women. The best recommended cure for migraine is to identify the source of stress and address it to stabilize one's condition. Muscle Tension Muscle tension can either by a symptom of stress or a form of illness resulting from it. In the long run, this will begin to affect their health and attitude in life. Engage Them in Sports and Play The most effective stress buster for kids is to engage in sports and games. Thus, parents need to get their children to stay out and have fun doing physical activities. Aside from focusing on physical sports, you can also get them to do puzzles and board games to help boost their focus and concentration. Avoiding Source of Stress Once you have identified the main source of your stress, your best approach is to avoid them or steer clear off them. For example, if a certain type of environment or being around a particular group of people is causing you stress or making you feel unhealthy, then it would be best for you to take them out of the equation in your life. This is not always true since you still need to observe proper stress management strategies to ensure that you feel relaxed, mentally and physically, in your own home. There are certainly lots of aspects involved when acquiring stress at home, as well as several things you can do about it. Identify the Source of Stress You cannot expect proper stress management if you cannot pinpoint the reason behind why you are feeling stressed out. Many people have tried this technique to overcome stress and other similar conditions, so you can give this a shot too if you wanted to gain effective relief against stress. After all, you've probably seen this technique used on films and on TV as a tool for dissecting and overcoming emotional struggles. Tips to Achieve Work-Life Balance Here are some tips to achieve work-life balance and a more efficient stress management method: Decide on what really matters to you. Is earning money from work more important than spending your time with the family, which is your main motivation for working? Create a list of the top 10 priorities in your life. 

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