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Pressure points as defined by women's self defense experts are points that have a prevalenc of nerves in it. When pressure is applied to these points, pain is felt and the natural reaction to move away from pain gives the victim an advantage. The reflex is called a pain withdrawal reflex and it will move in the exact opposite direction that the pressure is being applied. The ability of a woman to defend herself from possible theft, physical harm, or death is an important skill that every woman should have. A sample training seminar session from the American Women's Self Association consists of four days of rigorous self defense training. International instructors will there for you to talk to and gain information that could help you in your women's self defense goals or even pick up on the latest gadgetry that he women's self defense industry has come out with. The only reason you would have to use women's self defense techniques is if the thief attacks your person directly. Do not carry any dangerous weapons in your purse like guns or knifes. The thief could use the weapons against you. Women's self defense does little good when your own gun or knife is pointing at you. Women have avoided going on a vacation to an exotic land because they are afraid of dangerous situations and their personal safety. They are missing out on a wonderful experience because their self esteem is low and they do not have the confidence to take the leap and go on that vacation. These women are left with a life full of disappoint and missed opportunities. If you see a potential dangerous situation beginning to develop do not be afraid to scream. Even if you are mistaken, it is not against the law to scream your head off. The person will most likely change his mind if he knows you are not afraid to scream. Rape is about control and if this is the crime in which that person wants to commit, he knows he is not in control of the situation is you are screaming and yelling. Even if you have to walk an extra block or two, Stay on well lit side walks and choose the side of the street that has more lights on at houses. If you are riding in a car, before getting in you need to check the backseat to make sure no one is hiding in it. If you are parked in a parking garage, ask the attendant to accompany or at least to monitor your safety on a video camera.
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