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Sucker Punch Attacks Inspire Women to Take Self-Defense Classes

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You need to know how to take care of yourself and your children in case a person of low reputation choose to accost you for reasons of harassment, theft, rape, or to inflict bodily harm. The lack of preparation can set you up with serious consequences such as loss of personal property, unwanted sexual proposals and action, injury or death. The classes will help build back the feelings that she can defend her and that she can go out alone with a toolbox of techniques and tactics that will keep her safe. The significant other can supply more emotional support in the way of letting the woman choose where and where she is not comfortable. Later in the healing process, you might want to escort the victim to the site of the attack. If the attack is more physical women's self defense will teach you some self defense moves to ward off or disable the attacker long enough to get away or to get help. A simple kick to the groin can leave an attacker disabled and in pain. Women's self defense courses also teach you to use weapons like your purse or umbrella to ward of the would be assailant. You can take women's self defense to learn skills that might save your life or you can polish the skills you already have. Some people need to learn what dangers are out there and how to avoid them, while others just need to get a refresher on what they have already learned. There are new tips and advice coming out daily on the internet and being introduced at women's self defense seminars around the world. Sometimes your YMCA will host a women's defense course which is at a low cost or sometimes free. Check out your local paper. Sometimes a women's self defense course is listed in the community activity section. Just jot down the time and place and make time to attend. These lessons are usually short and very informative. Women's Self Defense and Your Children Besides your own life and probably more important than your own life your, children's welfare and safety are the most important things in your life. You want to protect them from the evils of the world and want them to have a better life than you have had. How are you going to protect them in these trubulent times. 

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