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If any sexual act in any orifice is done without consent, then the man has committed a crime. When you go on a date you must remember that society has made it a part of most men's understanding that sex will be the outcome of the date. Women's self defense experts state that a man may be more eager to get to that goal than the woman and her signals, both in communication and body language will make him presume that you want the same thing as he does. A Taser is a non-lethal weapon that uses compressed nitrogen to shoot out tethered needle probes that when applied can deliver an electric shock that will disable your assailant. Women's self-defense experts say that this is the most effective way to stop an attacker in their tracks and could possibly save your life. The attacker cannot see because the pepper stings the eyes and makes them burn and water. While the attacker is wiping his eyes you have a chance to run to safety. The pepper spray also causes a massive amount of salvia and nasal discharge to come out of the nose and mouth. So not only can your attacker not see you, they are also dealing with breathing which is difficult because of the amount of fluid in the both the nose and the mouth. Carry the keys in your hand with the ignition key at the ready. You do not want to fumble with your keys if you are getting chased. Women's self defense experts also advice that you do not leave anything of value visible in your car. A potential thief can turn into a potential rapist if he is caught in the act by you. Have fun at the club, but when it is time to go home ask a close friend or an employee to walk you to your car. That late at night you do not want to walk outside alone. Check your back seat and have your friend stand there until you are safely in your car and on your way. Avoid dark places like alleys or parking behind a building especially at night. Self-Defense and Common Sense Women today are constantly being instructed by the media that they must learn to be independent. This does not simply mean that a woman needs only to be able to financially support themselves, but also they must be able to physically defend their person. To achieve this, many women need to learn the art of women's self-defense.
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