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6 Best Self-Hypnosis Techniques | Hypnosis

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Studies have shown that self hypnosis did in deed enlarge a woman's breasts and is now starting to show that the male's penis can also be enlarged naturally with this form of therapy. We have all heard that our cells are constantly growing and that these cells have memory to tell them where and how to grow. Employee #1 is the encoding and it is that employees job to type up everything that you give him and then hand it over to employee #2. Employee #2 is the storage and it is his job to take the typed up information and place it into the appropriate filing cabinet. Employee #3 is the retrieval and it is his job to go and get the file out of the filing cabinet when you the boss need it. But sometimes you may need more than just a book to read to help you use self hypnosis to manage your pain. When you need more than a book, there is a great audio tape available that will guide you through the self hypnosis session. The use of this audio tape during self hypnosis is the subliminal messages that the tape send to your subconscious mind during a hypnosis session. There will be some costs associated with using self hypnosis but unlike using a hypnotist these costs should only be a one time cost and also will be considerably lower than that of a hypnotist session. Your cost will be that of instructional books and audio tapes. After you have purchased the instructional books and audio tapes, you will not have any more expenses. Myths are just that though, myths. Myths are untrue and have no basis other than to scare the daylights out of someone. Myths surrounding hypnosis and even self hypnosis have no sound basis, they came about mostly because of uninformed people making an opinion on something they had no knowledge of. Myth #1- I will be made to do silly and stupid things Well let me say that no you will not be made to do anything silly or stupid. By now you should have a wealth of books and audios on self hypnosis that you can point them towards to find the answer. Start with the induction phase and give them several ideas on how to begin the induction phase. As by now you know that no one is the same so one induction method will not work for everyone. 

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