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The storage part is the area that stores this information for later use. The retrieval part is also known as recall and is the area that retrieves the stored information when we need it. To give association to these classifications, we can liken them to an office that has three employees with you being the boss. Also using mental images of a slimmer you while in this deep state of rest can help you achieve your goals. Stress is a big factor in many people's lives and self hypnosis can help to reduce or completely get rid of unhealthy stress. After all stress can lead to many health problems such as stroke, heart disease, high blood pressure and even a heart attack just to name a few of the bad health problems associated with stress. Also if needed post a note on your door alerting visitors that they are not to knock and bother you. This will allow you to go forward with no interruptions. Once you have your time frame for uninterrupted self hypnosis, sit on your floor cross legged. This will keep you relaxed but not allow for you to become too relaxed. Learn about myths, induction techniques and learn how to deepen your trance all with this wonderful study course. This study course is a must for anyone wanting or already doing self hypnosis. There are many wonderful books and study guides out there for self hypnosis. The above is just a starting point to help you get started. Just make sure to only record positive messages and avoid any negative words as your mind will attach and hold on to the negative words. Some phrases you can use are, "I am an interesting person", "I have much to offer people", "I am friendly, intelligent and people like me", "I am a great employee and they value my insight". Self hypnosis can keep the team focused and motivated, it can help build confidence in each member of the team and overall performance of the team will improve. As the coach you need to learn what you can about self hypnosis techniques and inductions. Then teach this with your team members. This will allow for all of you to be together and benefit from self hypnosis. 

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