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Fuel Your Fitness: Sports Nutrition for Athletic Performance

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There still has been no scientific explanation for this, but it is in truth that women are very conscious of weight. So having a normal weight will give you a healthy psychological system. Calcium is a mineral that plays an essential role in growth. In sports, muscle and mind coordination is important. The natural reaction of your body is to relax when it's getting the same intensity of physical workout. And your body tends to resist exercise that it doesn't have the strength to sustain. The tendency of your mind, naturally, is to think that you can't make it so you've got to stop. But, in a way, this is positive. The World of Sports Nutrition Advancements in medicine and an increase in capitalism in the world as well as other factors all contributed to the development of the field of sports nutrition. As scientists learned more and more about our bodies and the optimum level of strength and physical fitness they can harbor, businessmen jumped the gun and manufactured products and services that actually help athletes meet these optimum levels. As the world population turns to sports for physical health as well as entertainment, sports nutrition attracts a lot of attention and revenues and people specializing in increasing sports performance are very much in demand. Sports Nutrition education focuses on understanding how the body functions during exercise and sport. As long as a wide variety of foods are eaten, vitamin and mineral intake is adequate. Supplementation therefore is not necessary. Is more better? Athletes usually meet two-thirds or more of the Recommended Dietary Allowances (RDAs) for vitamins and minerals. Athletes who have high calorie intakes of about 5,000 to 6,000 kcal/day may achieve 200% or more of the RDA for some vitamins and minerals just from foods they eat. Failure to recognize these said requirements would bring bad effects to your health status. Why? You might be taking carbohydrates all right but not in the right amount or in the amount that is appropriate for you. So there will either be an excess or a lack, and neither is helpful for your health status. 

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