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The urge to have sex on the first couple of dates is an overwhelming desire in today's male population. It is apart of their mentality and their culture to demand something more quickly and with more pressure. Women's self defense offers tips on how to avoid date rape. Meet your date at the location of the activity. There is no sense learning to high kicks and moves that would take years to master. You need to know what techniques that will save you at the time of the attack. The seminar focuses on just those skills. The instruction is so fluid that you will be able to pick out the style that fits both your mind and your attitude. These new and important talents can be gained through classes at the local community center, YMCA, YWCA, and some are even offered through the local law enforcement agencies. Since the courses are so readily available, no woman should ever live in fear of a potential assault by a new suitor. In the past, the prospective date would be known to the woman, or at least known by the woman's friends or relatives. Women's self defense advocacy groups monitor robberies, domestic abuse, rapes, and abductions so that they can get the women that were attacked the help that need both to mend their bodies and their minds. Even if you have had women's self defense training it does not mean that you will be able to defend yourself completely. There were almost five million acts of violence reported in the United States last year which involved women twelve years old and older. Three quarters of women who were attacked while by themselves and half of the women attacked by multiple assailants were attacked by people that they knew. Thirty percent of women who have had violence were attacked by an intimate partner like a husband, boyfriend, or girlfriend. The Taser allows your to be several feet or yards away from the attacker, thus letting you keep distance between yourself and the attacker. You might want to check your state laws and the legality of using a Taser to add to your women's defense tool belt. Some states outlaw the use totally, while others will let you carry and use a Taser if you take classes from a law enforcement agency.
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