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Take your children to women's self defense classes if they are old enough. They have the same chance of danger that you do. Women's self defense courses offer mother and child classes or they have independent self defense classes just for children. They will learn to defend themselves from their level of understanding and their physical size. The three pinnacles that the program offers is awareness, prevention, risk reduction and avoidance. Once these principles have failed, the program uses a hands-on system of protection. The program is designed to give women the choice of how to act and how to implement pre-rape behavior which will give the woman a tool box of options in which she could choose from. The question is why? Women have been traditionally known as the weaker sex. Most assaulters are men and they see women as an easy target. Why choose a man to rob when he is likely not only to defend himself, but would also slow down the assault and get away. Women are the logical choice for the criminal activity because most women would succumb to the assaulter's wishes because of smaller stature and less strength. The next thing women's self defense advise about in the hairstyle of the victim. They will either go after a woman in a pig tail or a braid that can be easily grabbed to hold the woman down or to direct her head. They are more likely to go after long hair than a woman in short hair. The long hair is easier to grab and use to cause pain and to direct the rest of the woman's body where the assailant wants it to go. The military does not discriminate against gender and teaches women the same self defense techniques as men. Women's self defense in the military usually starts off at book camp. Here after weeks of physical conditioning and indoctrination into the military life style, the women get their first chance at women's self defense classes. The development of these skills will allow a woman to not only become proficient in women's self defense, but assist in the general overall toning of the body. Once a woman becomes interested and encouraged by the results seen and felt through participation in a women's self-defense class, she may become motivated to do even more.
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